Want a bit of greenery in your tank which is healthy for your fish? Stick to these plants and your aquarium will become a green,
a serene planted tank in no time.
Selecting good aquatic plants is a very important step when setting up an aquarium or terrarium. Aquarium plants are like a cherry on top of a cake; they increase the beauty as well as the quality of your aquariums.
It maintains the health of your fish. It is also important to choose an aquarium plant that consumes less CO2 and is suitable for your better aquarium. These are the 8 plants that suit your aquarium for a magnificent look.
- Anubias barteri var. glabra”variegated leaf”

Anubias barteri commonly called Anubias nana or Dwarf Anubias of family Araceae. CO2 is not necessary for the growth of this plant. If you are new to planted tanks and want to try growing for the first time, this is a good one to start with, this plant has a gold variant which brings a soothing effect in aesthetic sense.
It is an extremely easy plant to grow and can survive a wide range of water quality parameters. This plant reduces the pollution in the tank and increases the water quality and oxygen content as well.
This plant’s thick short-stemmed dark green leaves are some of the smallest and most compact in the Anubias genus, rowing only to 3.2inches for total height of 4.7inches hence suitable for a medium sized tank as well as terrariums. Propagation is not a task it can be done easily by cutting the rhizome to be replanted
2. Hygrophila corymbos ‘compacta’/ Hygrophila ‘compacta’

Giant hygrophila/ hygrophila corymbosa ’siamensis’/ nomaphila siamensis of family Acanthaceae is a best aquatic plant for the beginners. It is used in freshwater aquariums and it can be maintain very easily. The leaves are pale green and silver-white on underside and also color tones can vary from bold brown to shades of green and pink as well.
The combination with red leaved plants shows better aesthetic sense and plant this in the background and its color can be highlighted by using 2-3 rocks to surrounds the stem. This brings your aquarium a better look and a natural feel to your fish. The main advantage of this giant hygrophila is that it doesn’t need CO2 and it is easy to maintain and care. Like most stem plants, propagation can be done by simply cutting the stem and replanting it.
3. Micrsorum pteropus ‘Dwarf Green Gnome’

Commonly called java fern after the Indonesian island Java and also found in Thailand, Malaysia, China and northeast India. Java fern is a “classic “aquatic plant for beginner aquarists. It can tolerate a wide range of aquatic conditions. It is very comfortable to care and maintain. It needs only optimum light and suggested to place midground or background. The amount of CO2 ispreferable from medium to low.
Java fern is an epiphytic aquarium plant i.e., It is grown best attached to wood, rock, or setting on top of a substrate. Its bright green, broad foliage is a great way to fill in areas lacking coverage. It is more snail resistant and grows better with higher fish load. Hence java fern is a fantastic plant to set in an aquarium. Mini version is perfect for any tank size due to their compact leaves. Propagation is very easy, simply cutout a part of rhizome and tie it to a substrate. Make sure to keep the rhizome above the substrate or the plant can begin to rot.
4. Vallisneria nana

Vallisneria nana from Australia is a thin, grass like plant, which act as the perfect background plants, growing tall off height about 12-20 inches and fast to create a jungle like appearance. Vallisneria is a genus of freshwater aquatic plant commonly called eelgrass, tape grass or valles.
This non CO2 plants are tolerant and adaptable. Hence, this is a very good choice for your aquarium. Once you plant this it produces offshoots very readily, so compact vegetation will soon develop in good condition.
Due to the greenish color, combination with Echinodorous rubin or Rotala sp. mini gold or any other red colored non CO2 aquatic plants will give you a fabulous look to your aquarium. Anyway, this is one of the best choice to keep you fish healthy and you aquarium clean and beautiful!!
5. Staurogyne sp. Brown

Staurogyne sp is rare plant. Its availability is limited in European countries. It is a staurogyne plant that is it has the ability to flower. It resembles with the popular favorite, Hygrophila sp. This plant will deffinitly boost up your tank’s appearance. It can withstand all the water quality parameters. This would be excellent addition to your planted tank when placed in midground or foreground. It doesn’t require light and CO2 as well. It is very easy to maintain. It can be propagated by cutting the stem and replant.
6. Limnophila aquatica

It is commonly called Giant ambulla, which belongs to family Plantaginaceae. It has fine leaves and bushy, pine-like appearance. They grow best in medium to high lightning, perfectly in acidic soil. The plant grows fast and can become 25-50cm long and each step up to 15cm wide. They are more attractive when several stems are planted as a group. Sometimes it sends shoots above water surface, forming small blue flowers. They are very easy to propagate by simply cutting the stem and replanting.
Limnophila sessiliflora is a close variety of limnophila aquatica and both look somewhat alike.
7. Vallisneria spiralis

Vallisneria spiralis commonly known as eel grass, tape grass or vallis from family Hydrocharitacea is the truly classic aquarium plants. Prefers good light and a nutrient rich substrate. Its nature can be found in the tropical and subtropical areas worldwide. Maximum size up to 60cm submerged plant ribbon shape stems that arise vertically from the down to the top of the water and float along the surface. It propagates by runner which can lead to dence strands.
They gave attractive look to the aquarium and also great coverage. It is also often used as central or corner aquarium filler due to its ease of care and sustainability.
8.Limnophila Hippuridoides/ Limnophila aromatica

Limnophila hippuridoides is originated from Asia. It grows up to a height of 20 to 25cm. it is a simple plant able to adjust various environmental conditions. The leaves are green with a red-violet underside, and the whole leaf turns red-violet under ideal growth conditions. A vigorously growing plant that willingly creates new, solid shoots from the base. The thinning of oldest and longest shoots is suggested, so as to form room for such new shoots. Replant the cut-offs, they are going to soon grow new roots.
If either stem or leaves are damaged, a robust smell scent is emitted. Propagation by simply cutting the stem and replant.