Piper Longum
Original price was: ₹50.₹25Current price is: ₹25.
195 in stock
Quantity- 1 plant
Piper Longum
Piper longum is a Perennial, very slender and climber plant that grows well in the shades of the trees.Piper Longum is commonly known as “Long pepper”,”Thippali”.This plant is native to South Asia mostly seen in India, Malaysia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.Long pepper is cultivated for its fruits and dried and used as a spice.
This is a small shrub which has large woody roots and numerous creeping, jointed stems .Stems are thickened at the nodes.They have alternately arranged and spreading leaves without stipules,they may vary greatly in size. The lowest leaves are larger than the uppermost leaves which are darker green in colour. Flowers grow in solitary spikes. They Produce multiple fruits and they called as long pepper which grow in fleshy spikes .The immature fruit have shiny dark green colour and fully mature have blackish green and about 2.5–3.5 cm long and 5 mm thick.The mature spikes are collected which are usually dried and used as a spice.long pepper contains a large number of alkaloids and related compounds.Roots of the Long Pepper plant valued for its medicinal properties.Long pepper is a close relative of the black pepper plant.
The crop has the capability to grow well in a variety of soils.However, porous and well drained soil rich in organic content is most suitable for its better cultivations.The plant requires hot, humid climate.This plant is propagated by cutting the rooted vine. Rooting takes about 15-20 days after planting.Cow dung cake is used as fertilizer. In most cases, manure is not used at all. the natural fertility of the soil, which is provided by decaying dead leaves are also used as fertilizer. The Fruit of this plant is mainly used for medicine.This plant is inexpensive.It is readily available in market and effective for many diseases including cancer, inflammation,depression, diabetes, obesity,Headache,Toothache,Asthma,Bronchitis,Cholera,Coma,snakebite,Cough,Diarrhea,Fever,Stomachache etc…
What makes it special
● It is readily available in the market.
● Fruit of this plant have many medicinal value
● Dried fruit used as a spice.
● This plant is inexpensive.
● capability to grow well in a variety of soils.
Sr Item name
1 Piper Longum (long pepper, Thippali)
2 5m
Features and Key Requirements of Piper Longum
Scientific Name Piper Longum
Common Name Indian long pepper , Thippali
Family Piperaceae
Origin South Asia
Plant growth form Climber
Mode of nutrition Autotrophic
Parts used Dried spikes and roots
Maximum Height 4m to 6m
Colour Greyish brown
Taste Pungent
Texture Rough
Shape Cylindrical
Odour Odourless
Climate Hot,humid
Water Requirement Daily
Maintenance Low
Propagation Stem cutting
Flowering season Monsoon
Planting and Care
Land preparation
The field needs 2-3 ploughings followed by harrowing and leveling considering the slope of land to facilitate drainage of excess water. Pippali needs heavy manuring. In soils with low fertility,the growth of the plant is very poor.
This plant is propagated by cutting the rooted vine. Rooting takes about 15-20 days after planting.
The crop has the capability to grow well in a variety of soils.However, porous and well drained soil rich in organic content is most suitable for its better cultivation.
Cow dung cake is used as fertilizer. In most cases, manure is not used at all. the natural fertility of the soil, which is provided by decaying dead leaves are also used as fertilizer.
Watering one or two in a week depending upon the water holding capacity of the soil, is needed for this long pepper.
Health benefits of Piper Longum.
● It is good for diabetics
● It prevent liver ailments
● It fight against bacterial infections
● It helps with weight loss
● It oxygenates the body
● It improves skeletal health
● It good for menstrual problems
● Good for cold and cough
● Cures throat irritations
● Cures bronchitis and asthma
● Helps to relieve chronic headache and toothache
● Other benefits
Use: in terrariums
1 review for Piper Longum
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Manjeet Kaur (verified owner) –
Very well packaged and looked healthy