
Dracaena reflexa/ Song of India (Single plant)

Original price was: ₹500.Current price is: ₹79.

Quantity: A single plant with roots. (length of around 15 to 25 cms )

29 in stock


Dracaena reflexa (Song of India )

The dracaena plant is a popular ornamental houseplant, grown both indoors and outdoors in subtropical climates. Dracaena reflexa is commonly called song of India or song of Jamaica, is a tree native to Mozambique, Madagascar, Mauritius, and other nearby islands of the Indian Ocean. It is widely grown as an ornamental plant and houseplant, valued for its richly coloured, evergreen leaves, and thick, irregular stems. Song of India plants are described as variegated because the leaves are multicolored with bright green centers and yellow margins. The colors fade to lighter green and cream as individual leaves age. The leaves are lance-shaped and grow spirally around branches, up to one foot

Song of India is a good luck bringer houseplant.The universal symbolism of this plant is good fortune, happiness, health, and strength. Bamboo also plays a large role in chinese history,symbolizing virtue and elegance..Dracaena is one of the most effective houseplants in air purification. It helps remove formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene and carbon dioxide. These are chemicals linked with several health problems among them headaches, respiratory problems, anemia, marrow disease, kidney disease among others.The Dracaena is the perfect bedroom plant for smokers. Beyond its air-purifying qualities, the Dracaena can also suck up particles of smoke that cause health problems.Â

So, song of India plant was used in the NASA’s (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) clean air study which proved to remove a considerable amount of toxins from the environment. Traditional medicine practitioners of Madagascar have long believed Dracaena reflexa to cure malarial symptoms, poisoning, dysentery, diarrhea, dysmenorrhea, and to be useful as an antipyretic and hemostatic agent. The leaves and bark are mixed with parts of a number of other native plants and mixed into herbal teas. The Dracaena Marginata is one of the most popular home plants since it is very easy to care for and its tropical appearance integrates well in modern environments. With proper care, it has a great lifespan, living up to a decade in a pot, and it has an even longer life expectancy outdoors.

  • Light : The Song of India and Song of Jamaica, with yellow and white stripes in their leaves, need bright indirect light. Direct sun burns the leaves of all varieties of dracaena reflexa but a small amount of morning or evening sun is not a problem. Most types will tolerate fairly low light conditions, but you’ll notice increased growth if you move plants to sunnier locations. Don’t put them where the sun will shine directly on them, though, as the leaves may scorch.
  • Temperature : Dracaena prefers temperatures ranging from 65° – 85° celsius during the day. Night temperatures can drop about ten degrees cooler, but cold drafts and temperatures below 55℉ will harm the plant.
  • Water : Dracaenas do not require a lot of water and are healthiest when their soil is kept slightly moist but never soggy. Water your dracaena about once a week or every other week, allowing the soil to dry between waterings.When a dracaena is losing leaves, overwatering is the first place to look, but the problem can also be caused by too little water. Touching the soil at the bottom of the pot will let you know if this may be the case. Dracaena leaf drop might also be caused by a cool wind or too much heat.
  • Soil : This plant prefer loose, well-draining soil.This prevents water from accumulating and standing around roots for long periods of time, preventing root rot.A peaty, well-drained potting mix is best.If it doesn’t drain well, add sand to the mixture to improve it.It is a good suggestion to mix in some compost or peat moss before planting your Dracaena Reflexa. Your container should also have proper drainage at the bottom so water does not get trapped in its soil.
  • Fertilizer : Dracaena Reflexa does not need very much fertilizer, in particular, if they are planted in peaty soil with a lot of organic substance.fertilize once a month during spring and summer with a balanced, all purpose plant food diluted to a quarter strength.Â
  • Propagation : There are two ways by which one may take cuttings of dracaena – from the top and through stem cuttings. cut it just below the leaf line and be sure to include at least one node: roots grow from these round, white bumps on the stem. Then, either plant your cutting in some soil or place it in a nice vase filled with fresh water. Place the container in a warmish spot and wait. Roots and new growth should appear pretty quickly during the warm Summer months, while things can take a little longer during Wintertime. in India you can buy dracaena reflexa plants online anywhere through our website. We have delivers to Andhra pradesh, Arunachal pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Jammu kashmir, Jharkhand, Kerala, Karnataka, Punjab, Orissa, Mizoram, Tamil nadu,Rajasthan, Sikkim, Manipur, Meghalaya, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar parade, Uttarakhand, Himachal pradesh, Nagalandand West bengal.

What make it special :Â

  • Dracaena is one of the most effective houseplants in air purification.
  • it is a good luck bringer house plant.Â
  • it is a popular ornamental plant.
  • it is easy to care.
  • NASA recomended air purifier indoor plant.
  • Like many houseplants, this is a tabletop plant as well as a floor plant.


Sr. Item name


Dracaena reflexa


4 inch (10 cm)grower round plastic pot(black )


4.5 inch(11 cm)Ronda no:1110 round plastic planter white.Â


🌱Plant specifications  :

Plant height 2-6 cm
Plant spread 3inch -8 inch

Above specifications are indicative only, actual dimensions may vary by +-10%


Common name Song of India
Maximum reachable height. Up to 6 meter
Leaf colour Darker green with yellow margins


🌱 Plant protection  :

  • Never place a dracaena plant in direct sun, as the rays will scorch its leaves.Â
  • Dracaena require less water than most indoor plants.don’t over water and give proper drainage holes to the pot.
  • Spider mites, not often visible to the naked eye, are a common pest of dracaena. Small brown or yellow specks or spots on leaves alert you to this problem.use an insecticidal soap spray or neem oil to prevent them.

❌️Don’t s:

  • Do not let soil get waterlogged, which can cause root rot.
  • if pot does not have any drainage holes, don’t over water the plant.Â

🌱Key requirements to keep plant healthy :


Sunlight Bright indirect light.Â
Watering Give water once a week.
Soil Loose well drained soil.
Temperature 65°celsius to 85°celsius.Â
Fertilizer Apply organic fertilizer once a week.


🌱Dracaena reflexa special features :

*It is one of the rarest indoor plant with beautiful leves.Â

*It is an air purifying plantÂ

*It Increases Concentration and Sharpens Focus.

*it increases humidity.


🌱Ornamental uses :

*it beautifies your houseÂ

*The bushy young plants are perfect for tabletops or desks.


Name Manjusha A
Address Poovathodu house, Kuttamangalam po Kainakary, Alappuzha, 688501
College Assumption college Autonomous Changanacherry.
Department Bsc BotanyÂ

Dracaena Reflexa (Song of India)
The dracaena plant is a popular ornamental houseplant, grown both indoors and outdoors in subtropical climates. Dracaena reflexa is commonly called song of India or song of Jamaica, is a tree native to Mozambique, Madagascar, Mauritius, and other nearby islands of the Indian Ocean. It is widely grown as an ornamental plant and houseplant, valued for its richly coloured, evergreen leaves, and thick, irregular stems. Song of India plants are described as variegated because the leaves are multicolored with bright green centers and yellow margins. The colors fade to lighter green and cream as individual leaves age. The leaves are lance-shaped and grow spirally around branches, up to one foot
Song of India is a good luck bringer houseplant. The universal symbolism of this plant is good fortune, happiness, health, and strength. Bamboo also plays a large role in chinese history, symbolizing virtue and elegance. Dracaena is one of the most effective houseplants in air purification. It helps remove formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene and carbon dioxide. These are chemicals linked with several health problems among them headaches, respiratory problems, anemia, marrow disease, kidney disease among others. The Dracaena is the perfect bedroom plant for smokers. Beyond its air-purifying qualities, the Dracaena can also suck up particles of smoke that cause health problems.
So, song of India plant was used in the NASA’s (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) clean air study which proved to remove a considerable amount of toxins from the environment. Traditional medicine practitioners of Madagascar have long believed Dracaena reflexa to cure malarial symptoms, poisoning, dysentery, diarrhea, dysmenorrhea, and to be useful as an antipyretic and hemostatic agent. The leaves and bark are mixed with parts of a number of other native plants and mixed into herbal teas. The Dracaena Marginata is one of the most popular home plants since it is very easy to care for and its tropical appearance integrates well in modern environments. With proper care, it has a great lifespan, living up to a decade in a pot, and it has an even longer life expectancy outdoors.
🌟Light: The Song of India and Song of Jamaica, with yellow and white stripes in their leaves, need bright indirect light. Direct sun burns the leaves of all varieties of dracaena reflexa but a small amount of morning or evening sun is not a problem. Most types will tolerate fairly low light conditions, but you’ll notice increased growth if you move plants to sunnier locations. Don’t put them where the sun will shine directly on them, though, as the leaves may scorch.
🌟Temperature: Dracaena prefers temperatures ranging from 65° – 85° celsius during the day. Night temperatures can drop about ten degrees cooler, but cold drafts and temperatures below 55℉ will harm the plant.
🌟water: Dracaenas do not require a lot of water and are healthiest when their soil is kept slightly moist but never soggy. Water your dracaena about once a week or every other week, allowing the soil to dry between waterings. When a dracaena is losing leaves, overwatering is the first place to look, but the problem can also be caused by too little water. Touching the soil at the bottom of the pot will let you know if this may be the case. Dracaena leaf drop might also be caused by a cool wind or too much heat.
🌟Soil: this plant prefers loose, well-draining soil. This prevents water from accumulating and standing around roots for long periods of time, preventing root rot. A peaty, well-drained potting mix is best. If it doesn’t drain well, add sand to the mixture to improve it. It is a good suggestion to mix in some compost or peat moss before planting your Dracaena Reflexa. Your container should also have proper drainage at the bottom so water does not get trapped in its soil.
🌟Fertilizer: Dracaena Reflexa does not need very much fertilizer, in particular, if they are planted in peaty soil with a lot of organic substance. fertilize once a month during spring and summer with a balanced, all purpose plant food diluted to a quarter strength.
🌟Propagation: There are two ways by which one may take cuttings of dracaena – from the top and through stem cuttings.
• cut it just below the leaf line and be sure to include at least one node: roots grow from these round, white bumps on the stem.
• Then, either plant your cutting in some soil or place it in a nice vase filled with fresh water.
• Place the container in a warmish spot and wait.
• Roots and new growth should appear pretty quickly during the warm Summer months, while things can take a little longer during Wintertime.
In India you can buy dracaena reflexa plants online anywhere through our website. We have delivers to Andhra pradesh, Arunachal pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Jammu kashmir, Jharkhand, Kerala, Karnataka, Punjab, Orissa, Mizoram, Tamil nadu,Rajasthan, Sikkim, Manipur, Meghalaya, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar parade, Uttarakhand, Himachal pradesh, Nagalandand West bengal.
What make it special:
• Dracaena is one of the most effective houseplants in air purification.
• It is a good luck bringer house plant.
• It is a popular ornamental plant.
• It is easy to care.
• NASA recomended air purifier indoor plant.
• Like many houseplants, this is a tabletop plant as well as a floor plant.
Sr. Item name
1 Dracaena reflexa
2 4-inch (10 cm) grower round plastic pot (black)
3 4.5-inch (11 cm) Ronda no:1110 round plastic planter white.
🌱Plant specifications:
Plant height 2-6 cm
Plant spread 3inch -8 inch
Above specifications are indicative only, actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common name Song of India
Maximum reachable height. Up to 6 meters
Leaf colour
Darker green with yellow margins
🌱 Plant protection :
• Never place a dracaena plant in direct sun, as the rays will scorch its leaves.
• Dracaena require less water than most indoor plants.don’t over water and give proper drainage holes to the pot.
• Spider mites, not often visible to the naked eye, are a common pest of dracaena. Small brown or yellow specks or spots on leaves alert you to this problem.use an insecticidal soap spray or neem oil to prevent them.
❌️Don’t s:
• Do not let soil get waterlogged, which can cause root rot.
• If pot does not have any drainage holes, don’t over water the plant.
🌱Key requirements to keep plant healthy:
Sunlight Bright indirect light.
Watering Give water once a week
Soil Loose well drained soil.
Temperature 65°celsius to 85°celsius.
Fertilizer Apply organic fertilizer once a week.
🌱Dracaena reflexa special features:
• It is one of the rarest indoor plant with beautiful leves.
• It is an air purifying plant
• It Increases Concentration and Sharpens Focus.
• It increases humidity.
🌱Ornamental uses:
• It beautifies your house
• The bushy young plants are perfect for tabletops or desks.


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