Dark German blue ram ( 3 pcs)
Original price was: ₹2700.₹1600Current price is: ₹1600.
99 in stock
Size – 1 inch
The Dark German Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi), also known as the Dark Blue Ram or simply German Blue Ram, is a selectively bred color morph of the popular German Blue Ram cichlid. This freshwater dwarf cichlid is prized for its striking iridescent blue coloration with a darker, more intense hue than the standard variety, combined with a calm and peaceful temperament.
Key Characteristics
- Appearance:
- Color: Deep, vibrant blue body with a darker, almost black overlay, giving it a “shadowed” or darkened effect. The iridescence varies under different lighting.
- Markings: Often features faint black vertical bars on the body and a darker face and dorsal area.
- Size: Typically grows to about 2–3 inches (5–7.5 cm).
- Fins: Long, flowing fins with hints of red, orange, or black, depending on the individual.
- Behavior:
- Peaceful and territorial, especially during breeding.
- Generally shy but can be curious and interactive once acclimated to their environment.
- Prefers to inhabit the lower to mid-levels of the aquarium.
- Lifespan:
- With proper care, they can live 3–5 years.
Natural Habitat
Though the Dark German Blue Ram is a captive-bred variant, its wild ancestors originate from the warm, slow-moving waters of the Orinoco River basin in South America, where they inhabit densely vegetated areas with sandy substrates.
Tank Requirements
- Tank Size:
- A minimum of 20 gallons for a pair, with additional space if keeping multiple pairs.
- Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 78–85°F (25–29°C). They thrive in warmer water.
- pH: 5.5–7.0 (slightly acidic).
- Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water (1–10 dGH).
- Filtration: Provide gentle filtration with minimal water flow to replicate their natural habitat.
- Tank Setup:
- Substrate: Fine sand or smooth gravel. Dark substrates enhance their coloration.
- Plants: Provide dense vegetation with plants like Amazon swords, Java ferns, and Anubias.
- Hiding Spots: Include driftwood, caves, and rock formations for shelter.
- Lighting: Moderate to low lighting helps mimic their natural environment and enhances their colors.
Dark German Blue Rams are omnivores and require a varied diet for optimal health and coloration.
- Staple Diet: High-quality cichlid pellets or flakes.
- Live/Frozen Foods:
- Bloodworms
- Brine shrimp
- Daphnia
- Blackworms
- Vegetable Matter: Occasionally offer blanched spinach, zucchini, or spirulina-based foods.
Feed small amounts 2–3 times daily, ensuring they consume the food within a few minutes.
Due to their peaceful nature, Dark German Blue Rams can coexist with other non-aggressive species. Suitable tankmates include:
- Tetras (e.g., Neon, Cardinal, Rummy-nose Tetras)
- Rasboras (e.g., Harlequin, Espei Rasboras)
- Dwarf Gouramis
- Corydoras Catfish
- Otocinclus
- Small Plecos (e.g., Clown Pleco)
- Shrimp and Snails: Larger shrimp species like Amano shrimp are generally safe, though small shrimp may be eaten.
Avoid housing them with larger, aggressive fish or fast-swimming fin nippers.
Breeding Dark German Blue Rams
- Sexing:
- Males: Slightly larger with longer, more pointed dorsal and anal fins. The front of their dorsal fin may have a more pronounced black spot.
- Females: Smaller, rounder, and may display a pinkish hue on the belly when ready to breed.
- Spawning:
- Provide a flat, smooth surface (rock or leaf) for egg-laying.
- Soft, acidic water with a temperature around 82–85°F (28–29°C) stimulates breeding.
- After spawning, the female guards the eggs, while the male defends the territory.
- Raising Fry:
- Eggs hatch in 2–3 days, and fry become free-swimming in about 5–7 days.
- Feed fry with infusoria or powdered fry food initially, followed by baby brine shrimp as they grow.
Care Tips
- Water Quality: Maintain excellent water quality with regular water changes (20–30% weekly).
- Temperature Stability: Ensure stable water temperatures, as Rams are sensitive to fluctuations.
- Acclimation: They are sensitive to new environments, so acclimate them slowly when introducing them to a new tank.
Benefits of Dark German Blue Rams
- Their striking dark blue coloration adds a dramatic, eye-catching centerpiece to any aquarium.
- Peaceful demeanor makes them suitable for community tanks.
- Their inquisitive and interactive behavior makes them a favorite among aquarists.
The Dark German Blue Ram is a stunning, peaceful fish that adds beauty and personality to any planted or community aquarium, making it a favorite among both novice and experienced aquarists.
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