
Harlequin Rasbora ( 6 pcs)

Original price was: ₹1999.Current price is: ₹720.

9991 in stock

SKU: duo 67889015 Categories: ,


Size- based on availability

Note – This particular fish can be shipped to all parts of Kerala, Karnataka, tamil nadu, Andhrapradesh, goa, telengana, Maharashtra, Gujarat, outside these places we are selling at customer’s risk

The Harlequin Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) is a popular freshwater fish known for its striking coloration and peaceful nature, making it a favorite among aquarists. Originating from Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore, it’s a hardy and adaptable species ideal for both beginner and experienced hobbyists.

Key Characteristics:

  • Appearance: Harlequin rasboras have a metallic orange or reddish-pink body with a distinct black triangular patch that extends from the midsection to the tail fin, giving them their “harlequin” look. This color becomes even more intense in well-kept tanks or during breeding.
  • Size: They grow to about 1.5–2 inches (3.5–5 cm) in length, making them a good size for most community aquariums.
  • Lifespan: With proper care, they live around 5-6 years in captivity.

Behavior and Temperament:

  • Peaceful Nature: Harlequin rasboras are gentle and sociable, making them perfect for community tanks.
  • Schooling Fish: These fish are happiest in schools of at least 6-8. In larger groups, they display more natural behaviors and vivid colors.

Care Requirements:

  • Tank Size: A minimum tank size of 15 gallons (57 liters) is recommended, though larger tanks allow for more room for schooling behavior.
  • Water Conditions: Harlequin rasboras prefer soft, slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH of 6.0-7.5 and a temperature range of 72-80°F (22-27°C). They are adaptable but thrive in stable, well-maintained water.
  • Diet: These fish are omnivorous and enjoy a varied diet of high-quality flakes, micro-pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods like daphnia, brine shrimp, and bloodworms.
  • Tank Setup: A well-planted tank with open swimming space and areas of shade enhances their natural color and behavior. They appreciate plants like Java fern, Anubias, and floating plants that provide dim lighting and hiding spots.


  • Tank Mates: Harlequin rasboras are compatible with other peaceful, similarly sized fish, such as tetras, other rasboras, Corydoras, small gouramis, and shrimp. Avoid housing them with larger, aggressive species that may bully or intimidate them.


Breeding harlequin rasboras is relatively easy in home aquariums. They are egg-layers and tend to lay their eggs on the underside of broad-leafed plants. A breeding tank with soft, slightly acidic water, gentle filtration, and plants like Anubias or broad-leaved Cryptocorynes can encourage spawning. After spawning, parents should be removed to prevent them from eating the eggs.

Harlequin rasboras are resilient, colorful, and easy to care for, making them a perfect choice for adding beauty and activity to a community tank. Their peaceful nature and striking appearance have made them a staple in the freshwater aquarium hobby for decades.



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