
Apistogramma Agazizzi fire gold small sized ( 4 pcs)

Original price was: ₹2100.Current price is: ₹899.

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Size – 2 CM

Note – This particular product can be shipped only to Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana. Customer’s in other places can order at their own risk.

The Apistogramma Agassizii “Fire Gold” is another striking variant of the dwarf cichlid Apistogramma Agassizii, known for its vibrant golden and red hues. Here is some detailed information about this beautiful fish:


  • Coloration: The “Fire Gold” variant is distinguished by its bright golden body and fiery red fins. Males tend to exhibit more intense and extensive coloration compared to females.
  • Size: Males can grow up to 3.5 inches (9 cm), while females are generally smaller, reaching about 2.5 inches (6 cm).

Habitat and Tank Requirements

  • Tank Size: A minimum of 20 gallons is recommended for a pair, though a larger tank is preferred to manage their territorial behavior.
  • Water Parameters: These fish thrive in soft, acidic water with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0 and a temperature range of 75-82°F (24-28°C).
  • Aquascaping: The tank should include plenty of hiding places like caves, dense plants, and driftwood. A sandy substrate is ideal, as they enjoy sifting through the sand.

Behavior and Compatibility

  • Temperament: Apistogramma Agassizii are generally peaceful but can be territorial, especially males. It’s best to keep one male with multiple females to reduce aggression.
  • Tank Mates: Suitable tank mates include other peaceful species that occupy different areas of the tank, such as small tetras, rasboras, and bottom-dwellers like Corydoras. Avoid housing them with larger or aggressive fish.


  • Feeding: They are omnivorous and will accept a variety of foods. Their diet should include high-quality flake or pellet food, supplemented with live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms.


  • Breeding Setup: For breeding, provide a dedicated tank with soft, acidic water and plenty of hiding spots. Females lay eggs in secluded areas, and males guard the territory.
  • Fry Care: Once the eggs hatch, the fry can be fed with infusoria or specially formulated fry food until they can accept baby brine shrimp.

Care Tips

  • Water Quality: Regular water changes and stable water parameters are essential for their health.
  • Observation: Watch for any signs of disease or stress, and ensure they are not being harassed by other fish in the tank.

Apistogramma Agassizii “Fire Gold” is a captivating addition to any well-maintained aquarium, offering both aesthetic appeal and engaging behaviors for fish enthusiasts.


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